Why Private Sharing Matters More Than Ever on Instagram


1On Instagram, private 'sends' are now a top engagement metric.To tap into this, create shareable, emotion-driven posts and use CTAs that encourage sharing.



Social Media

Date:Oct 14, 2024

In the ever-changing social media landscape, staying ahead of the algorithm is half the battle. And if you've been paying attention to Instagram lately, you might have noticed a quiet shift in what kind of engagement really moves the needle. It's not just about likes and comments anymore—it's about the power of "sends."

Private sharing has become one of the most significant value indicators for Instagram's algorithm. A "send" signals that someone saw your content and thought, "This is worth sharing with someone specific." It's an intimate endorsement—a kind of digital word-of-mouth that says more than any public "like" ever could. The platform loves these interactions because they indicate genuine interest, making "sends" a key factor in getting your content in front of more eyes.

In fact, data from Instagram's reports shows a significant increase in private sharing over the past year, as users become more selective about what they share publicly versus privately. This shift underscores the growing importance of private engagement metrics like sends and saves, which are now key drivers of content distribution on Instagram.

So, why does private sharing matter more than ever? For one, it's about authenticity. People are sharing posts that strike a chord, whether funny, useful, inspiring, or relatable. This kind of engagement tells Instagram that your content is connecting on a deeper level, and it'll boost you for it. According to Hootsuite, Instagram's algorithm prioritizes content that sparks genuine interactions, and private sends are one of the strongest signals of this.

If you're a brand or content creator, the question becomes: how do you encourage more sends? Here are some tactics that can help:

Create Share-Worthy Content

To get people to share privately, you need content that's easy to love—and even easier to share. Think of infographics with helpful tips, memes that speak directly to your audience's daily experiences, or surprising facts that make people go, "I need to show this to my friend!" Research from Buffer suggests that educational and humorous posts are among the most shared types of content on Instagram, making them ideal for driving private engagement.

Tap Into Emotions

Posts that evoke emotions—whether they're funny, heartwarming, or motivating—are more likely to get shared. If your content makes someone laugh out loud or think deeply, there's a good chance they'll send it to someone else. According to Content Whale, content that evokes strong emotions can result in significantly higher engagement rates than neutral content, highlighting the importance of creating emotional content.

Start a Conversation

Pose questions or offer commentary that gets people talking. When your followers feel like they've discovered something or have something interesting to say, they're more likely to share it with friends to spark discussion. For instance, posts that include open-ended questions can lead to higher engagement, according to Social Media Examiner.

Use Call-to-Actions Thoughtfully

Instead of the usual "Like and comment!" CTA, try encouraging followers to "Share this with someone who needs it." It's a simple tweak that can make a big difference in how people interact with your posts.

Private sharing may not have the public glitz of likes or comments, but it's quickly becoming one of the most valuable forms of engagement for brands to chase. The key is to make content that people want to share—content that's relatable, helpful, or just plain entertaining. By focusing on sends, you're not just working with the algorithm—you're creating deeper, more meaningful connections with your audience.

Boost Your Instagram Reach with Expert Social Media Support

Ultimately, building a strong Instagram presence today is about cultivating authentic interactions. When your content makes someone pause and think, "I know exactly who would love this," you've done your job. And with the growing importance of private sharing, it's time to embrace sends as a vital part of your social media strategy. 1At J2, our managed social media services can help you enhance your reach and engagement on social media. Contact us today to see how we can support your growth!

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